Cavalry Betrayal: General Shepherd and Shadow Company showing up to take the DSM, then kill off the remaining Task Force 141 members in "Loose Ends".
Once you face the police, you'll be required to take them out. You don't have to shoot the civilians in the airport, but you can't turn against the group either, in which case you have no choice but to follow them through the massacre.
In "No Russian", you're tasked as Joseph Allen with going undercover in a terrorist group led by Makarov. In an attempt to motivate his own country to war and bring about a new generation of willing martyrs with which to battle foreign threats, he manipulates Makarov into sparking an invasion of the US mainland. After the nuclear explosion in the original murders thirty-thousand American soldiers under his command, he is outraged at the apathetic response of the American people, which could only be exasperated by Russia's continued militarization. Bystander Syndrome: Shepherd's motivation in Modern Warfare 2. So you could have not bothered lighting your flare, or even died anywhere along the way up to the roof, and achieved the same result. Also, thou must reach the top of the White House and then light a flare to prevent the bombing run, even though when you get there there's already at least four other soldiers signaling, one from the same position as you, and Ramirez doesn't have any further role in the plot. Considering that you still can't shoot your "allies," there's nothing much to do for you throughout the first half of the level, except perhaps shooting the skylights for the particle effects. The German version, however, turns this into "But Thou Must Not" by NOT allowing you to shoot civilians despite this being the whole point of the level (you get a Game Over for that). In "No Russian", even though you are heavily armed, the game prevents you from trying to thwart the terrorist attack by giving you a game over and telling you that you must go along with the massacre should you try and shoot the terrorists. "Blind Idiot" Translation: The Japanese version of the game translated Makarov famous "Remember, no Russian" line into "Kill them all, they are Russians.". Bland-Name Product: The restaurants in some of the levels are thinly-veiled versions of Taco Bell, TGI Friday's, Starbucks and Burger King. Price and Soap are still alive, and as Price admitted, the key was both for Shepherd to die and for them to live. Even if he ends up a martyr, his death prevented his plan from going any further. There is a bit of a high note, though: Shepherd was presumably going to use his hero status and unlimited budget to perform unilateral military actions across the globe (as evidenced by his very well equipped "Shadow Company"). Bittersweet Ending: Yes, you stopped the warmonger Shepherd, but Task Force 141 has been destroyed, Price and Soap are internationally wanted fugitives for "treason" - despite having done nothing against their home country - along with "global terror" and "violent acts against the government", the East Coast and Washington in particular are devastated, the US is still at war with Russia (as Shepherd intended, so he won even in death), and Makarov is still on the loose. Amongst this chaos, Makarov escapes Shepherd's men and becomes the Big Bad of Modern Warfare 3, so he is the one who benefits from all this more.
The Bad Guy Wins: Sure, Soap and Price have killed Shepherd, but that doesn't change the fact that his Batman Gambit has already succeeded. At the end of the level, Makarov kills Joseph Allen, aware he is a CIA agent, to ensure a pretext for Russia to wage war on the United States. The player can either participate by shooting unarmed civilians or refusing to shoot, but always confronted by the dying screams and blood trails of the victims. Atrocity Montage: The infamous "No Russian" level involves a massacre at a Russian airport committed by Vladimir Makarov and his men, with the player playing as the undercover CIA operative Joseph Allen. Even at most generous to the scene, the distance between the nuke's explosion and the station is too far to have the outcome it does. Nukes don't have the same effects in space that they do on Earth. CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 REMASTERED LICENSE
Artistic License Space: The destruction of the ISS by an apparent blast wave.Anti-Frustration Features: Due to the extremely controversial nature of the mission, "No Russian" has no achievements, unlockables, or completion percentage tied to it, and you are not only warned of its disturbing nature, you are even given the option to skip the mission entirely.And Your Reward Is Clothes: Completing the "Ghillie in the Mist" (completed by getting one-shot kills with sniper rifles) challenges unlocks ghillie suits, which by virtue of camouflaging you actually make your sniping better.